About me

My name is Marco Imperiale. I am an Italian lawyer and mediator, with a wide range of passions: arts, Eastern philosophies, action movies, rock n’roll at the highest volumes – just to name a few.

In an intense, sleepless, and wonderful life, I have been blessed with many experiences, such as, founding a benefit corporation (Better Ipsum), graduating from Harvard Law School as a Fulbright grantee, seeing 1000+ music concerts all over the world, deepening my knowledge of Chinese traditional medicine, writing a book on legal design, becoming the first head of innovation for law firms in my country, and practicing my wonderful guitars in every spare moment (yep, I am a songwriter as well..)

After my first Camino in the summer of 2015 – which I embarked on just because of a dream – I decided to do it again.

On my second trip, I tried to share a little bit of my thoughts along the way. I truly hope that someone would identify themselves in some of my words, learn about this rewarding journey, and perhaps start it someday with a shell on their backpack…